Saturday 15 September 2018

Forgot about my keys at work >>

It certainly felt like winter is near -- fortunately my mom bought me a down liner/jacket (super thin jacket), which is extremely warm from Costco for a relatively good price. Now though, our entire family has the same jacket in the same color!

I was at work later than usual for a Friday since I've been trying to input marks right away unlike last year where I usually waited near report card time to input marks onto PowerSchool. It's more tedious, but it makes it easier to remember which students have extentions (I should stop giving them out so leisurely) or which student is excused from an assignment because of some emergency at home. As I was packing up assignments to mark over the weekend, I exited the school and realized that I left my keys in my classroom! There were the janitorial staff at work, and two other teachers, but everyone else was gone for the weekend. Panicking since I won't have access to my keys till Monday, I located the classroom of one of the teachers who was still at school.

(Side note: I find it normal to associate people with cars they drive, yet many people find that weird... It was a "skill" I developed in junior high where I would see teachers walking to their cars while I wait for a ride home after leaving school late during some days. Maybe it is a bit creepy...)

I managed to get the attention of the teacher left at school, by creeping through the window. I hurried towards my class and to retrieve my keys and proceeded my way home!

Chest day was relatively tame, as my workouts have been for this week. I'm not too confident with benching 205 by myself so I stuck to 185 for 6 reps.

And that marks my Friday essentially!

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