Monday 24 September 2018

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

I don't consume moon cakes on Autumn Festival for two main reasons: cost and calories. However, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to those that celebrate it with a tasty moon cake!

Work was quite pleasant today with students calming down from last week. I swear, it has to do something with short weeks! After work, I went to the elementary campus to help with supervision since buses were running late. I didn't have to wait long, which meant I was able to go home earlier than usual.

Since I had to drop my mom off in the NW, I was able to work out at Rocky Ridge. I never been to Rocky Ridge during a week night, though it's very like Saddleridge in that it was extremely busy. Since it was arms day, I didn't need much, besides some free weights. After pumping for about 45 minutes with minimal breaks, I went to go pick up my mother.

And that pretty much marks my night!

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