Thursday 20 September 2018

Three no shows

First day of reading tests was marked by three students not showing up for the test. One emailed me later telling me that she wasn't able to make it, but the other two said nothing at all. I guess I managed to finish a book I was reading, so that's a plus, but it irks me ever so slightly that they booked an appointment time and did not show up for it.

Other than testing, I managed to do a couple more modules on for website design. It's such a great website since all the lesson plans and worksheets are made for you. All I have to do is get a gist of what the material is about and let the kids explore! =)

Ever since badminton season in April, I haven't touched my racquete in a while. I got the chance to play badminton today, and it was a good opportunity to shake off some rust. Sunridge Badminton Centre is a lot busier than Clear One in the NW, though I think I prefer the hard floors rather than these badminton mats.

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