Tuesday 4 September 2018

First Day with Students and Blog Post 1002

I just realized that I posted over 1000 posts. Quite an accomplishment on my part, for I never imagined that I would continue to blog about, mostly, mundane aspects of my life.

Either way, first day back with students today. It went relatively smoothly, with very little hiccups I thought. So far, my classes seem to be full of enthusiastic students, which is usually a good thing. Some students are... overly enthusiastic, while others are not as much.

We'll have to see where the school year goes!

As for working out today, it was another leg day. My legs felt pretty dead from Saturday, but I realized that I focused on keeping my weight in the centre/closer to my heel, squatting would feel much easier. A two lap lunge-fest ensured after and I was soaked with sweat. It was a disgusting feeling sitting in my car driving home. I had to lean forward, so that my back wouldn't make contact with the seat, and make me feel cold.

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