Saturday 8 September 2018

Slept in...

I was slated to attend a pep rally at SAIT for the upcoming Lego Tech Challenge season (I believe that's the full name) this morning, but I managed to sleep in... but for a very good reason! Well, I guess any reason for sleeping in is never a good reason.

It started at 9, but I wasn't out of bed till around 11...

I did end up going to the gym, but unfortunately, my palm was giving me issues so I couldn't squat many sets today. I ended up deadlifting and doing Romanian deadlifts, and cutting my workout short for the day. I guess it'll be another issue to bring up with my chiropractor next time I see him, though these injuries are starting to hamper progress. Maybe it's time to get a professional to check my form... or it's time to take more breaks from the gym.

I like the second idea more.

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