Monday 3 September 2018

Labour Day 2018

Labour Day for me, is the last day of break before students resume classes. Or for the most part, since there were times (I think in my third year) where we started before Labour Day.

No matter how many years I've been a teacher now, the start of a new school year is always exciting. I've seen the class lists for all my classes, though I haven't associated names with faces as of yet. Majority of the students will be new to me, since I didn't teach grade seven options last year. Despite having a harder time learning names as I grow older, I hope to get them down pat quickly!

As for today, I spent a good majority of my waking hours (woke up at 7, streamed some media for a while and fell asleep at 8 before reawaken at 10:30) at the gym before heading back home to help my dad with flushing brake fluid from our cars. After dinner, it was already 8 PM! I did manage to squeeze in a couple of hours of MHW. It's a lot easier to go through missions with my HR Odogaron set that my brother helped me get last night. I'm not getting crushed in a couple of hits anymore!

Time to wind down and get ready for bed. I usually try and set a goal for myself at the beginning of the school year to have no screen time for at least half an hour before bedtime, but it turns out to be like every New Year's Resolution I make. =P

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