Thursday 13 September 2018


The first snowfall for this summer took place while I was at the gym doing leg day. A very simple leg day, for all I did was just lunges around the track. I'm hoping that my palm will be back to tip top shape by next week so I can resume squatting with a burning sensation in my palm.

I think I blogged about it before, but my tires are not the best for cold weather application. Getting out of the parking lot was fun since I lost traction a couple of times. It was nothing spectacular, but I could feel my tires slipping.

The simplest solution would be to replace my tires with all-seasons. These would be good all year round until winter hits. I'm not sure, however, if I want to give up performance that my current tires give. True, I'm just your average driver, but I swear I can feel a difference riding on summer tires compared to all-seasons!

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