Sunday 16 September 2018

Kirin Azure Horns

When it comes to gaming, I really enjoy games that require a lot of grinding (well most games that follow this formula). Ideally, I would like to overpower myself so I can later sweep through mid to late game content.

But I cannot say the same for MHW. 10 Azure Horns from Kirin is an eternity. Each HR Kirin quest takes about 15 minutes to complete and you typically get one horn. With an 80% chance, it's not always guaranteed, meaning that it may take more than 10 HR Kirin quests (around 2.5 hrs) to get the ten horns required to upgrade these dual blade Kirin weapons to max.

At least I'm getting used to his attack pattern. Hopefully the HR 49 quest to unlock tempered elder dragons won't be too bad after grinding Kirin this much!

Other than that, karate went as expected. I got home and finished up my marking and crafting a quiz for tomorrow. I'm hoping to keep up this new routine of doing most of my work on Saturday to leave my Sundays open!

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