Saturday 15 September 2018

End Game Monster Hunter: World

I've spent some time yesterday and today to finish finding the tracks to the last two elder dragons that I haven't fought yet: Kushala Daora and Teostra. I was expecting single digit fps for Kushala, but somehow my computer was able to handle it a lot better than I expected. (Time to overclock both the cpu and gpu)

I ended up fighting the last boss, Xeno'jiiva, alone for most of the fight, save for the last couple of minutes when a few people joined my quest. I'm definitely not that efficient, for it took nearly 25 minutes to kill Xeno'jiiva. That though, unlocked my HR and allowed me to start post-game content. Tempered monsters sure hit harder than regular monsters.

Other than that, I pledge to do more work on Saturdays so I can have more time to relax on Sunday. With that being said, I managed to mark two sets of assignments today! One more set to go and some light prep for the week.

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