Sunday 9 September 2018

Violet Evergarden's OVA

With this possible being the last work free weekend, I made sure to not do any work. After karate and lunch, I plopped in front of my computer to complete minor quests in Monster Hunters. After collecting certain herbs and slaying small monsters, I got bored and proceeded to find something to watch. I've always had my eye on a movie on Netflix (In This Corner of the World), but didn't want to spend two hours to watch a potential tearjerker. Thinking of tearjerkers, or something moving, my mind drifted onto Violet Evergarden. I heard of the OVA coming out in July, but I didn't watch it then since there wasn't a good English subbed version out at that time (when the good version came out about a week after the "bad" version).

The OVA, from my understanding, is a anime-only story (I also don't recall reading the story in the light novel) created by Kyoto Animation or KyoAni for short. A really cliche story line, with a predictable plot, yet it was touching nevertheless. My mind started to drift halfway throughout the episode, but the ending insert song hit me hard. I have no idea what was being said if there were no translations, but the melody line and vocals (sung by Karasawa Miho, aka TRUE) had such a raw emotion that it literally shook me to the core. To not spoil it so much, both Violet and the main supporting character, or deuteragonist for this episode had a similar background in which their loved one never came back from the war. I was initially confused with the placement of this episode within the overall timeline since despite it being called episode 14 by many, it's actually in-between earlier episodes of the series (since one particular scene would exemplify Violet's "pre-transcended" character). Nevertheless, visuals and music were on point for the entire episode to my eyes and ears respectively. Just about a year or two before the movie comes out for Violet Evergarden! I'm hoping that it has an excellent ending. It's definitely one of my favorites series out there.

But I think I need some comedy or something lighthearted to clear my mind and return me back to reality. A friend mentioned to me recently that Kim's Convenience is on Netflix, and I started watching that last night. It's quite a hilarious take on Asian families, especially parents that weren't born in Canada!

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