Saturday 13 October 2018

A Most Peculiar Day

I had a chiro appointment booked for this morning to check up on my wrist. My chiro tired a form of therapy, that I haven't experienced before, which involved stimulating a nerve to react to pain differently. I forgot what it was called, and he did warn me that the studies are mixed, but it was definitely a most peculiar sensation. It started with normal pulses that you get, but then for five seconds, my forearm would contract as a stead current is sent through my arm. The first five minutes or so was bearable, though the last five minutes was starting to make my forearm feel sore. So far though, no major issues when I squatted later in the day.

As I left chiro, I was driving out of downtown to head back home. Down 3rd street, turning onto 5th ave, a young man in a car was trying to get my attention by furiously waving at me. I looked at him, thinking it may be a former student of mine, and nodded and waved back, while giving him a thumbs up. Later did I realize, as he drove on ahead, that he was driving the same exact car that I was driving.

Now, my car is a normal, common car. I probably see at least 2-3 variants of my car a day. What makes my car a bit special, is its color. It's the first time I've ever been that close to a car that looked exactly like mine, while I'm driving in my own car! We even both had wind visors, which I haven't seen on any other car that is the exact same as mine. What a peculiar day indeed.

Before heading to the gym, I headed down to Popeye's Supplement store in the NE to purchase creatine and protein. Since it was customer appreciation day, they were giving out free swag. I managed to get a free gym bag filled with sample products (none that I really take), a shaker bottle (I was short on water bottles for the past couple months, but now I have two new ones!), a magazine and a t-shirt. I don't often shop here, since I've been buying protein at Costco, but it's nice to get free stuff!

The gym was relatively quiet, save a session at one corner of the gym that seemed to be talking about powerlifting. The presenter was the hugest guy I've ever seen in real life. He was extremely thick, and you could probably tell that he is a professional powerlifter. I never seen such muscle before. He was lifting some weights during their hour lunch break, though nothing back-breaking for him.

After the gym, it was back home. I continued trying to overclock my graphics card, while trying to find a higher clock speed for the memory onboard my graphics card. Unfortunately, after 4-5 hours of stress testing multiple settings, I am unable to find a stable clock speed for memory. I did manage to finish the little marking that I had though!

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