Saturday 20 October 2018

Maybe It's Because I'm Growing Old...

Perhaps it was sheer luck, for I doubt I'm clever enough to have it planned that all of my classes (besides options) had a quiz today. It made my Friday a relatively easy day, in which I was able to give my voice a break.

Getting home took a lot longer than usual due to an accident on Deerfoot. Traffic was crawling from Glenmore, and the side routes I escaped onto were jammed pack with traffic as people had the same idea.

At home, I snacked before heading to the gym. All of a sudden though, I felt a strong wave of nausea, that I don't recall feeling in a long time. It got bad, that I started to feel my saliva thicken in my mouth -- which usually meant that I was near the regurgitation point. After a few minutes, standing by my toilet, it went away and I felt fine once again... Maybe it's because I'm growing old...

The gym was relatively good, and quiet. Bench felt relatively good, though I made sure not to injure myself. 100 kgs for 3 reps (down to two for the last two sets) is starting to become easier. It's kinda sad thinking that my bench weight is catching up to my squat weight. =/

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