Monday 15 October 2018

"Excuse me, I'll make you a deal of a life time"

Day Three at my school is my toughest day since it's my no prep day. Despite kids being rowdier than usual, my day went pretty well. The one good thing about no prep day is that work seems to go by at hyper speed.

I left work early to prepare for my webinar on climate change. As I was waiting for the light to change at an intersection, I heard someone to the left of me trying to get my attention.

"Excuse me". As I looked at him, he motioned for me to roll down my window. Seeing that it was an elderly gentleman, I assumed that he was going to complain that my car was too obnoxious, or something among the like. I had a neutral expression on my face as I rolled down my window.

"I'll make you a deal of a life time. You can say no of course" were the words (or somewhat close to the words) that he said. With a quizzical look on my face now, I remained silent.

"Do you want to trade cars with me?" In all honesty, I was stunned since no one ever said this to me before. Once again, I drive a pretty normal car, so I don't often attract this kind of attention, especially from people near his age.

I laughed and he complimented on my car's color. With that, the lights turned green and I proceeded onward with my day. I wish I could have thought of something witty to respond back... maybe something like how he wouldn't want my gas bills for my car is a gas guzzler...

Other than that, gym day was shoulder day. I should have done some arms as well, but I was in a rush to get home to play MHW. I'm still in awe with the graphics of the game. 

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