Saturday 20 October 2018

Arguably the Best Wings in Town

Leg day Saturday was busier than usual at the gym, which is good in my books. Either way, there was enough space to grab a rack and squat. Sets of four reps of 225 lbs is doable with my wrist and wider grip now. I'll need to work on my core since it definitely doesn't feel like I have support. I also got the chance to try the sleds there, and my glutes feel like they're going to cramp up anytime now.

After working out, we went out for wings at Mug Shotz, a bar/pub down in Ogden. This is my second time there, and I have to say that their wings are probably the best in town. I have a soft spot for their dill pickle flavored wings.

After coming home early evening, I didn't feel like marking, despite the fact that I should have marked. There's always tomorrow, but not something I'm looking forward to tomorrow with the amount I have this weekend. I did, however got a couple lessons on animations done, which meant the day wasn't fully wasted.

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