Monday 22 October 2018

PD Day Monday

Today marked PD day -- I went in at my usual time to get marking done before our first PD session started for the day. We had a couple sessions on inclusive ed and classroom management. In between sessions, I managed to squeeze in a bit of work. Never had I felt so productive during a PD day!

I rushed on home once 4:00 hit to purchase Tomb Raider from the Steam store. It was 85% off! Despite being an old game (made in 2013), you can't go wrong with a $5.99 Game of the Year (essentially the game with a bunch of bonus content).

After work, it was shoulders and arms at the gym. I should find an app or something to keep track of my progress so I know what weight/sets I'm doing when it comes to accessory work. It's great to see that Evolve is getting some new faces.

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