Saturday 27 October 2018

Bacteria Day Friday

I didn't have any quizzes planned for today, though I had a lab planned for my grade 8s. On Wednesday, my two junior high science colleagues and I plated agar onto petri dishes for students to grow bacteria. For the most part, students were being creative on picking areas to swab, which was a nice surprise.

Other than that, I left work early since I finished my work ahead of time for once!

Bench day at the gym went relatively well. 5 sets of 3 reps of 100 kg is starting to feel easy. I maxed out at 105 kg, which is a PR if I recall correctly. Once again, the difference equipment can make when it comes to lifting!

Also, I managed to finish all optional quests on MHW to unlock the final optional quest. Perhaps I'll find time tomorrow to play it and unlock the chroma color skin option for armor sets.

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