Saturday 6 October 2018

An End of an Era

Friday marked an end of an era for me. Back in 2014, I was considerably overweight, and out of shape. Somehow, after Mexico 2014, a friend and I decided to head back to the gym. With the recently opened (I believe the Genesis Centre opened up in 2011?) YMCA near us, we opted to get membership over there.

I recall my first session at the gym, trying the foam rollers and learning how to squat and deadlift. Squatting the bar was tough, and I didn't bother to attempt deadlifting just the bar. As time went on, along with an extreme diet, I started to shed pounds and feel a lot healthier. Numbers for the main lifts (squat, deadlift and bench) went up and I was satisfied with my physique. Throughout the four years as well though, I went through a number of minor injuries that have set me back, but nothing permanent thus far. Lifting, for the most part, has allowed me to get my mind off work and socialize with fellow gym mates.

With the opening of a new gym nearby, and with more equipment that I would use, it was time to say goodbye to the YMCA. It was four years of growth, both physically and mentally for me. I worked out in high school, but being young, my main focus was just arms and chest (like most other young people). YMCA was the first gym where I actually "worked out".

Saturday should be exciting as I try out the new gym!

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