Friday 12 October 2018

The difference equipment can make

My grade 8s had quizzes today, making the day relatively straight forward. The only challenge I really have at the moment is with my robotic classes, but I should be able to apply what I'm learning now to the second and third semester robotic classes!

Chest day went realtively well, granted that the benches are a lot better than the ones at the old gym. The Eleiko benches are wider, has more grip and adjustable in terms of height. With the rough knurling on the bars, I was able to hit a PR of 5 sets of 100 kg (220 lbs) for 2-3 reps. The difficult part was incline benching -- there's no dedicated bench for incline. Our makeshift bench with a squat work works, but felt a little sketchy. Other than that, the gym was slightly busier than usual with a lot of power lifters today lifting weights that I normally do not see at my old gym. Once again, it's inspiring to see people lift such heavy weight.

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