Tuesday 9 October 2018

Missed the Hook

The drive to work wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I managed to get to work with plenty of time to spare, which allowed me to get ready for the day. Work was the typical affair, though I had to discipline one of my classes during the lab since they were screaming and chasing one another (a few anyways).

After work, it was off to the gym. I'm starting to get used to squatting with a wide grip, but it does add more strain to my core and shoulders (where the bar sits). I have no issues with slipping anymore, which allows me to concentrate on pushing the bar up (and focusing on my feet). After completing sets of 225 lbs, I cooled down with 135 lbs. On my first cool down set, I missed the rack hook (not sure what they're called) on one side. With the belief that I was racked probably, I dropped the bar down. Of course, the left side (which I missed the hook) fell a lot lower than normal. I reacted by trying to save the bar, but the plate was sliding dangerously close to the edge of the bar. Fortunately my brother was there to save my butt, but it served as a reminder of being mindful when racking.

Other than that, it was a decent session with squats and deadlifts. The knurling on a bar really makes a difference in grip strength. Having proper grip makes it easier to lift heavier weight.

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