Tuesday 23 October 2018

No pain in a while!

I think I mentioned it before, but I'm a strong believer in four days of work with three days for the weekend. Longer, but less days equal more productivity (despite going to work yesterday, I just feel more energized for the week!) Work went relatively well today and I believe I'm back on track to finish in time for their final exams in June.

The photocopier at the end of the day was having issues with the stapler being jammed. It took me a while, but I managed to remove the jammed up staples, though later realize that there was a hinge which could have shorten the amount of time I spent trying to remove the jammed staples.

As for the gym, it was leg day. I'm not sure why, but today was the first day in ages that I had no pain while squatting. Usually, my knees would feel tight for the first couple of warm up sets before becoming warm. Today, however, I had no issues with my warm up! Six sets of 5 reps of 225 lbs also felt relatively easy, which is encouraging. =) I didn't end up doing much after, besides a number of laps for lunges with dumbbells. The dumbbells at evolve seem to have thicker/larger grip, meaning it's harder for me to hold onto them as long. It is, though, a great way to increase my grip strength so two birds down with one stone.

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