Sunday 28 October 2018

Finally Fixed

Like the past two months, karate was the normal affair. Starting today, we'll be practicing katas daily to prepare for the upcoming kata tournament in December. It's a startlingly reminder that the end of the year is fast upon us.

I spent the first bit of the afternoon finishing up a quiz for my grade 7s tomorrow and a set of notes. It took longer than I expected, but it's probably due to another chore I've been putting aside for over a month now.

Essentially, I had to fix a small part on my car that really takes only five minutes to do. I've been putting it off since I'm just extremely lazy. In fact, I think it only took 3 minutes for me to finish, which is a first because it usually takes more time for me to complete tasks than what I would initially plan.

Other than that, I got in some Tomb Raider (amazing game so far) and continued catching up with the animation and gaming unit on Coding definitely is not a walk in the park. I had to refer to the solution guide they had for teachers at times when I couldn't debug my work properly.

Onto the last week of October!

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