Wednesday 17 October 2018

Cells, cells, and more cells!

Yesterday and today marked project/presentations from my grade 8s. I've been using the cell project as a means of them to learn the different organelles within an animal/plant cell. Each year, it's been the typical sphere with clay, but the current grade 8s have upped their game. There was a wide variety of baked goods, using a canvas as a base, to making it out of felt. There were still Styrofoam spheres and clay, but the quality seemed to be a lot better than usual.

Other than that, I went to the flu clinic, but it was closed when I got there. There was no notice stating why it was closed, which annoyed me ever so slightly. I saw a couple of people trying to enter when I got back to my car, with no luck as well. =/

Back day at the gym, though it was awfully quiet at the gym. I think there was about... 10 people in total? It's nice working out in peace and quiet, but I'm sure it's not great for business...

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