Tuesday 3 July 2018

Battery died again...

Woke up slightly late, but I still managed to get a decent amount done for the day. Not only was I able to finish most of the protoss campaign in Legacy of the Void, but I managed to get through a large chunk of the NXT guide to lesson planning that a colleague lent to me.

Leg day Tuesday at the gym didn't go exactly like planned. First of all, it was a lot busier than what I used to remember, so I ended up leg pressing for a while until a squat rack cleared up. When I got to squatting, I started to feel my hips give way at around 185 lbs. By sheer luck, coincidence or whatever it happens to be, I have an appointment with my chiropractor this coming Saturday. Hopefully it's nothing too serious, but all these injuries really put a damper in training my lower body. It seems seemingly worse than last year's knee injury for I think I was only out for five months last year. I'm nearly half a year this year.

As I went back to my car, I noticed that my starter wasn't working. I had an inkling of what was going on, and it turned out I was right: my battery died. The last time I drove my car was on Sunday... Fortunately, my brother had his portable jumper in his workout bag, so we were able to get my car started. I think it's time to invest in a new battery.

Other than that, what to focus on for tomorrow: perhaps try building a EV3 model and start programming it, or try making something for 3D printing or basic coding. Perhaps some reading on investing once again.

So far so good with this summer break!

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