Sunday 1 July 2018

Canada Day 2018

Happy 151st birthday Canada! I celebrated your birthday by sleeping in and eating "brunch" before heading downtown for a bit.

Other than that, I restarted the Protoss campaign on Legacy of the Void, since I never completed it when it first came out. I managed to get eight levels completed, though on casual mode. This allowed me to mass an army before steamrolling into the enemy bases. Even two banelings cannot take down one probe!

Other than gaming, I got in a few episodes of anime and started reading about investments.

A relaxing weekend, and a good start to the holidays. As for tomorrow: start learning Mindstorm NXT and EV3. I'll probably spend more time with the EV3s since I believe we have more of these kits at school than the older NXTs. It'll be useful to learn both though, and to compare and contrast. Hopefully it won't take more than a week or two to get a general understanding of the two.

Also I'll need to clean up my work area. There's too many receipts floating around my desk.

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