Wednesday 25 July 2018

Car Galore

Woke up and went to the gym early for back day. Despite it being around 10:30, the gym was quiet. I managed to get in about 13 sets of pull ups, though the last few sets were quite messy. I added some accessories (landmines/t-bar rows, regular rows, reverse-grip-rows?, and a few others) before heading to the library to reprint some documents. This time I was able to get them in color! After making a brief stop at the local post office, I went home to play MH Stories (almost got maxed out poison sword and shield) before working on RG Banshee.

I managed to finish building Banshee! Just decals to go. The shield seemed a lot easier to build compared to the MG Phenex, with both having the same type of shield. The RG build definitely made it simpler to assemble. Perhaps I should compare the RG manual to the MG to see what the differences are, and maybe dig out the PG manual for Unicorn...

After finish building RG Banshee, I ventured out to various car dealership. It's interesting to see how cars have changed over the years. Many cars now have tablet like infotainment systems in the cars now.

I wish I had a tablet like infotainment system in my car... =(

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