Saturday 7 July 2018

Breezy Saturdays

I believe I have recognized a trend when it comes to naming my blog posts. If there's nothing to write about, I'll have the most generic title up. If there is something to write about, then my titles tend to be a little bit more creative.

As for Saturday July 7th, I started my morning with a massage and chiro visit. It turned out that my hip flexors were tight due to my right glute being tight. At least it's not another severe problem so I'm grateful for that.

After my appointments, it was off to the gym for shoulders (since I had IMS done to my right glute, I was quite sore). Session went quite smoothly and it was nice that the gym was empty. After coming home, I ended up just gaming the day away.

Not as productive as I thought it would be, but somewhat relaxing?

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