Friday 27 July 2018

Done for the year

Half an hour or so was spent to finish placing stickers on Banshee. I spent a few minutes later to ensure that I placed all the stickers. Unlike decals, I don't mind putting stickers. Granted, some places on the body seemed overdone with stickers, and some were not placed properly meaning that edges were hanging out. Either way, it's done.

After a couple coats of dull cote, I let it dry while reading Attack on Titan. Transforming the RG variant of Unicorn was a lot easier than the MG or PG sibling. The only issue I had was the left knee, which could be due to how I placed the pieces together. This will be my last gundam build for 2018! Once again, I'll be entering a soft retirement... hopefully a permanent retirement. I'm running out of space to display my models, and I'm not sure how I would transfer them over when I move out.

Other than that, it was chest day at an empty gym. There was absolutely no issue with getting equipment today in comparison to yesterday.

And off to sleep, since I'll be attending a workshop tomorrow!

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