Monday 2 July 2018

Oh my back

Summer break is off to a good start in that I was able to wake up when my alarm went off. Like what I blogged about yesterday, I had started my day with cleaning my desk area and a drawer filled with old documents. Going through old credit card bills and other documents took a large chunk of the morning. I didn't end up looking up mindstorm, but with a cleaner desk (relatively to before), I should have no issues with getting on to it for tomorrow. In terms of the title, sitting on the ground for a few hours made my back a bit stiff. It's a ritual that I perform yearly (well most years) in which I clean my drawers. Must be getting old...

Since it was a stat holiday for most, I headed down to Rockyridge for shoulders and arms today. It was busy, but I managed to secure my own rack again for shoulder press. It's nice to have so much space and no one asking you "how many sets do you have left". My biggest pet peeve when people ask is their response when I say "I have about eight sets left". It's not like I'm hogging the machine; okay I sometimes spend over an hour at a squat rack, but I feel like the two to three sets with half-reps won't benefit me as much as some of these individuals like to believe.

After spending a considerable amount of time at the gym, I headed home to relax for the rest of the night. Let's see how productive I can be for tomorrow!

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