Wednesday 11 July 2018

Death Note

I've never felt the urge to watch Death Note back in the day, despite all the positive reviews I read/heard from others. Since there isn't a drama series nor an anime series that caught my attention as of late, I decided to give it a try since Netflix is currently airing it.

Out of the ten episodes I watched so far, it has been quite the journey of two geniuses trying to outwit one another. I don't have a strong grasp of the deeper themes in the series yet, but it'll come in due time once I get the chance to read other people's analysis on the series.

Other than starting Death Note, I focused on coding today. I haven't started with any coding program yet, but mostly just scrolled around the net for resources. Fortunately, one of former student teachers informed me of a very useful resource close to home: the Calgary Public Library. I never knew they offered such workshops, and I'll be sure to give one of them a try in the near future! =)

And off to sleep since I have a blood test first thing in the morning tomorrow.

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