Thursday 26 July 2018

Decal Galore

I spent a large portion of my day putting stickers on RG Banshee. Compared to decals, wet or dry, it's definitely a lot easier to put on stickers. It doesn't look nearly as clean, but I'm not that picky. As of 10:33 PM, I'm nearly complete! Just one half of the front left to go before a layer of dull cote is applied (to get rid of gloss and to hopefully make the edges of the stickers blend into the back) before the final transformation.

Besides working on Banshee, I got in time to watch Ted 2. I don't think it's as good as the original Ted movie, but there were some laughs here and there. 

The gym was extremely busy today for some apparent reason. It did allow me to stretch longer than usual, while waiting for a squat rack to free up. Leg day went relatively quickly without any major hitches. My hip felt weird, but I was able to get in five sets of four reps of 225 lbs.

And that's it for today! Starting... Monday... I'm going to challenge myself by writing short stories/narratives/etc while limiting myself to ten minutes. We'll see how it'll goes as I plan to do it for a few weeks!

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