Sunday 8 July 2018

Slow fingers

First thing I did after breakfast today was to spray my RG Banshee kit. I've been putting it off for the past couple of days due to pure laziness and an excuse for it being too windy outside. It was relatively calm which made spraying six runners (four black and two gold) relatively quick: 5-10 minutes of spray followed by 90 minutes to let it dry outside.

After spraying, I got back into reading about investing and opened up a practice account with my bank. The program/website wasn't as intuitive as I thought it would be, so I will need to spend time learning how to buy and sell investments. Whether I will do it with real money in the future is still up in the air... maybe I'll stick to something easier.

Other than that, a bunch of Monster Hunter Stories (first time losing all three hearts -- to a black blighted diablos) and watched SAO Ordinal Scale. As with the SAO series, it had it's high points and low points, though I have to give it credit for introducing me to the virtual gaming genre.

I also played some piano. I tried playing the first third of Chopin's Ballade and Impromptu Fantasie. My fingers were extremely slow and my forearms were tired from playing just ten minutes. At least I'll have time to relearn hopefully!

As for tomorrow -- I'll just have to surprise myself.

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