Monday 23 July 2018

Learned something new at the library today!

The one thing about vacation that is awesome is the ability to wake up early, lie in bed and not do anything until you drift back to sleep. I woke up at 6:45 feeling fresh and ready to start my day, but with the thought of vacation in mind, I laid there until I drifted back to sleep.

I didn't end up awaking again till around 9 AM. That threw a bit of a wrench in my plans, but I managed to go the library to get stuff printed since I no longer have access to a color printer at home. It took me a while, but I was unable to figure out how to print documents from the library computer since a particular pop up screen refused to show up. I went to the front desk for help, and the lady there showed me a different way to print in case the specific pop up screen didn't work.

However, somehow, it didn't let me print in color! Literally 40 minutes down the drain in which I could have printed these at home on my black and white printer. Either way, I learned something new today.

After stopping at the library, it was off to a detailing shop nearby to purchase a polishing pad. I'll be detailing my car sometime next week since it's been almost a year since it's last detail. I'll also be dabbing my hands into polishing by machine, in which I have never done before. If things go well, it should look better than new! If things go south... well there will be a lot of burn marks.

With all those errands out of the way, I went home and proceeded to continue building RG Banshee. I finished the torso, both arms and one shoulder. I gave up on the left shoulder because the right shoulder was giving me much difficulty. Like tradition, I did manage to break something in RG Banshee -- a stopper nub for a exhaust vent in the shoulder. It shouldn't matter in the long run I believe... but it's never nice to break something. =(

Finally, arm day at the gym went like any other week. The gym seemed slightly emptier than usual, but it could be due to the thunderstorm not too long ago.

Other than all that, I'm approaching the halfway mark of break! It's been somewhat productive and relaxing at the same time! I haven't started my blog post as a fifth year teacher yet, but I'll get to it in due time. 

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