Saturday 21 July 2018

Start of RG Banshee

With everything being painted properly, I managed to start building my RG Banshee. The legs took about a few hours, but the color scheme is looking good in my opinion. I used a similar color scheme with my MG Full Armor Unicorn back in 2012, save a duller gold instead of this bronze gold, but it looks so much better this time around.

While building Banshee, I kept thinking to myself why I keep building gundams, for I don't find it all that fun to build. I only like the finished product most of the time, which is my motivation to build. I think it's due to exhausting myself with building multiple kits back in 2014 and 2015. Either way, this is my second gundam for this year and last for now. I did swear that I retired from building back in 2016, yet I've managed to finish two kits (RG Qanta 00 Full Armor and MG Phenex). Perhaps a permanent retirement this time around after Banshee?

Other than that, it was off to the gym for Chest Day. No new gains compared to last week, but I remained consistent which is rare for chest day. For dinner, it was to venture down Kensington to try out Tuk Tuk Thai, a fast food Thai restaurant. The chicken green curry I had was somewhat decent considering that it's fast food!

And that's Friday!

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