Wednesday 18 July 2018

Sock Galore

Perhaps it was due to the weather, but I had immense difficulties falling asleep last night. I don't think I was able to crash till like 1 AM, which meant I woke up later than what I would have liked this morning. Either way, I did mange to clean up most of my clothing drawers, with just the closet left to do. As for the title for today, I think I counted about 30 pairs of socks in my sock drawer. Majority of them are dress socks, but it's ridiculous on the amount of socks I have. I think I've only used like 1/3 of these socks. Some of these socks look absolutely brand new!

In other news, I cannot recall the last time I cleaned up my closet, but it will take a while to sort through the things I have inside. I should leave it for next week...

After cleaning, I continued working on MG Phenex. The larger water decals for the shoulder pieces took a lot longer than I expected because they kept folding onto themselves. It gotten to the point where some of the decals began to rip, which added more to my frustration. After an hour or so, I managed to get on seven decals.

And I left it at seven.

With darkening skies and the chance of hail, my friend was gracious enough to pick me up for back day today. No pull ups, rather we spent a decent amount of time on cable exercises.

And that's that for today! As for tomorrow, start trying out some Scratch and get started with building RG Banshee.

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