Tuesday 17 July 2018

Errands and Food

Woke up and got ready to start my day at a relatively early time. My first stop was to Yann Haute Patisserie in Mission. I've never been here before but it seemed very posh. The outside of the building is aesthetically pleasing, being the only yellow house in sight.

After the bakery, it was off to a Lindt store to purchase some chocolate before heading on home. Once home, I had lunch before proceeding to play Monster Hunter Stories and nap. At times, I do admit I feel like a child. =P

After getting up, I went out to venture a restaurant down in Inglewood called Gorilla Whale. If I were to explain the concept behind the food, I would say it's Western with a touch of Japanese cuisine. The dishes were nice, though not what I expected them to taste like when looking at it.

A busy but fulfilling day. I should really start cleaning my closet and drawers soon...

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