Sunday 15 July 2018

Lazy Summer Sundays

For the first time this break, I woke up nearly two hours later than what I've been for the past two weeks. I wanted to wake up early enough to finish the decals on MG Phenex before karate, but it never came into fruition today.

Summer karate is only for 90 minutes since there's no earlier class to train. There were a small amount of students today, but we were able to spend the vast majority of class focusing on one concept while spending the last half on nunchaku.

Once class finished, I rushed on down to the SE 17th, aka International Avenue (or I rudely call it ghetto 17th) to meet up with a friend for lunch. We spent more time than I thought we would, but it was great to catch up.

I got home and did some work before proceeding to sit here and laze around. When I laze around, it tends to be watching random videos on YouTube. For today, however, I must have evolved or achieved a new level of laziness. I was watching videos on YouTube but had absolutely no idea what was going on in the videos. =/

After that, I did some chores before heading off to watch more videos.

MG Phenex is still incomplete.

I need to get back to work tomorrow. Start off with Mindstorm programming and proceed to finish off MG Phenex! I need to get started on RG Banshee before the end of the month. 

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