Saturday 21 July 2018

Broken door knob

Last night, I came home and realized that the door knob to my garage door was broken. My initial reaction was anxiety since my garage was broken into eight years ago. The other locks were okay, so I relaxed a bit, thinking that the broken knob was due to old age.

After leg day at Rockyridge, I went to Rona to look for a replacement knob for the garage door. They had a sale on some knobs, which worked out to my favor, but I guess there's always some sort of sale going on for items you really need.

After going home and barely helping my dad install the knob (he did most of the work himself), it was off to continue building RG Banshee. The goal was to build the waist and the torso, but I got lazy and built just the waist. I want to finish building the entire kit by tomorrow, but I don't think that's feasible at the rate I'm going. I guess, thinking positively, it means that I'm getting my money's (or my brother's money since he bought it for me) worth due to how many days I can stretch this project.

As for Monster Hunter Stories, I believe I'm near the end of the main story line. The story line is predictable, but I don't really play Monster Hunters for the story. I play it for just sheer game content.

And that's that for today!

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