Monday 30 July 2018

Wistful Fantasy

I awoke, without opening my eyes, to a soft breeze washing across my face. It is warm, with the scent of salt water. I can faintly hear the waves crashing among the beachfront near my cottage, the sound of gulls and other birds interrupting the peace that is on this secluded island. From behind my shelter, the sounds of various insects sing, seemingly, in tune with the wind. I can also feel the hot sun beaming down upon me as I lay on my hammock tied between two palm trees. My vision is bright red, due to the various capillaries within my eyelid. As I lay here, I start to hear the vegetation rustle as animals are sulking in the undergrowth.

I dare not open my eyes. I want this to last as long as possible. For when I do open my eyes, I will be forcefully brought back to reality.

A large jarring sound jerked me from my slumber forcefully. I open my eyes.

All I see is broken faded walls. The small window displays gray skies -- rain is in the forecast for today.

Ah, the joys and sorrows of dreaming.

(9 minutes and 30 seconds... that was a lot harder to write than I thought it would be...)

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