Tuesday 10 July 2018

Miniso at Cross Iron

I began to read my new book on lesson plans for the EV3 kit before realizing that it would be a lot easier to understand if I were to go along and make the model as well. I took out the EV3 box and started to assemble the basic Rover that they recommended to build. It took longer than I thought it would since there were certain pieces missing from the EV3 kit. Fortunately, I had a NXT kit on hand, so I took some pieces from there to supplement the missing pieces. Also, I wasn't able to find a batteries for the brick, but somehow there was a EV3 DC adapter in the NXT kit.

As for the USB cable that wasn't in either box, I was fortunate that Lego decided to use a universal USB plug in that made one of my spare camera cables useful. I think I nearly spent 90 minutes programming and trying various options. I think I would personally buy my own kit... if it didn't cost as much. The official Lego Mindstorm videos online that demonstrated some of the abilities of said kit, like playing an electric guitar and drawing letters, were extremely cool. Robotics is definitely on the rise and I'm glad that I get the opportunity this coming school year to learn more about it.

After programming, it was off to lunch and more Monster Hunters. In the early evening, I ventured out to Cross Iron Mall. I never knew they had a Miniso at the mall, so in the shop I entered. It had a reminiscent scent of Japan, if that makes any syntactical/grammatical/word choice sense. There were a lot of neat things to look at, but I decided in the end not to purchase anything.

Other than that, a normal day as always! I admit I'm having troubles waking up at 7 AM, but maybe its due to sleeping too late as of late...

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