Wednesday 20 June 2018

Anxiously awaiting for the end of exams...

Day three of exams, and I'm starting to feel bored. Despite having no classes to teach, I normally don't do work during exams due to a cheating incident that took place during the Science 8 final a few years back. With the current layout of my classroom, I believe it would be easier for students to take advantage of the situation.

What I tend to do now is read at the front of the room while making occasional glances at students. For the most part, I believe it has mitigated most cheating during my exams.

Other than exams, another typical day at work.

Back-day Wednesday was volume pull ups. The first three sets bore results since I was able to do eight reps. The rest proceeded to decrease from seven, to six and finally to four for set ten. Other than that, the other exercises went by relatively smoothly.

Six more days with the students. Science 7 final exam tomorrow!

I can taste summer break.

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