Sunday 24 June 2018

South Glenmore Park and Galileo XX

Last day of karate started off my Sunday morning. We normally do marching for the last class, but we opted to train kicks instead. Another karate year over, with it means that summer is just that much closer.

After karate, I headed down to South Glenmore Park to take pictures with a friend. The last time I took out my camera to take pictures (besides family birthdays) was almost a year ago when I was in Japan. I was scrolling to see pics from Mt. Takao, which brought back memories.

We didn't stay too long at the park due to the sun, but I managed to take a few pictures of things that interested me. I brought out my 50 mm lens since I didn't want to lug around my bigger lens. I'll hopefully upload those pictures eventually.

It feels awfully weird to not do work on a Sunday. I ended up watching a couple of episodes of anime and played a few games of SC 2. Just a couple hours ago, I was searching for a new Japanese Drama to watch on a site I frequently visit. As I was surfing the drama list, a particular title caught my eye: Galileo XX. Now for those of you who read my blog from a while back would know that the Galileo series is one of my favorite detective series. I heard of their latest movie, which I think was released five years ago, but I never had the opportunity to watch it.

Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou) reprieve her role as the main lead as she tries to solve a "normal" case. The movie was a stark difference from the rest of the series, in that she relied on her own skills instead of having her physicist partner, Yukawa Manabu (Fukuyama Masaharu) help her solve the case. Also, there was a large emphasis on how difficult it is for women to be recognized as detectives in the Japanese police force.

Finally, the end of the movie was bittersweet. From my basic interpretation, no matter how much effort you put in at times, you don't always get the result you want. I'm still confused on why the movie went in a certain direction at the end, but I think dwelling on it will eventually lead me to a conclusion.

That, along with reading up people's interpretation on the ending!

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