Monday 4 June 2018

Sudden Heavy Rain at Lunch

The thing with Calgary at times is that it can be sunny one moment, and rainy the next. It looked relatively clear when I drove to work this morning, though by sheer luck I decided to bring a rain jacket with me. The past couple of weeks have seen me jacket-less due to the relatively warm weather.

Work proceeded pretty smoothly -- first period was a practice final to make up for the botched exam we had last week. At lunch time, I was on my phone until I decided to look outside and notice that it started to pour. I don't find that it pours a lot in Calgary; rather showers throughout the day. If I were to hazard a guess, it probably rained a good 2-3 mm in the span of 10ish minutes.

When my afternoon classes started, a lot of my students that were outside were soaking wet. The first afternoon class was delayed for at least 10 minutes as many of my students went to go change into their drier gym uniforms.

Other than work though, it was off to the gym for arm day. It's the least exciting day of the workout week. What kept me entertained though was seeing a guy whom I haven't seen at the gym before. He was squatting 545 lbs like it was just the bar on his back... Also benching 415 lbs with relatively ease. For both squatting and benching, he was doing eccentric lifts, meaning slow descents.

It caught my attention because you don't often see such strong individuals at the gym I go to.

Onto Tuesday! 18 more work days for me I believe!

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