Saturday 30 June 2018

Last working day for the 2017-2018 school year

The day has finally arrived. The last day of work for the 2017-2018 school year. I did most of my cleaning a few days back and paperwork, meaning that there shouldn't be much work to do for today.

I was wrong.

Somehow, the leftover cleaning took a good couple of hours, followed by additional paperwork that I missed. However, I did manage to find time to socialize with co-workers before leaving early to go to the dentist for my biannual cleanup. No cavities! =)

I don't think I posted a 4th year reflection of a teacher last year, but I'll most likely post a 5th year reflection this time around.

Chest day went relatively smoothly, and a lot better than the previous week's session. I wasn't able to do 4 reps of 205, but I'll just have to continue working on it.

Jinya was on the menu and I went for a non-ramen option this time, or I should say dry ramen to be more exact. It was better than I expected, though I regret not ordering more food since I was still hungry.

Let summer begin!

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