Saturday 2 June 2018

Going to work on Saturday

Instead of heading to the gym, it was off to work for a quick PD session on the potential option's class I'll be teaching next year. Since it was a Saturday, the drive was extremely smooth. I think no traffic and (could be a mixture of my imagination and the smooth traffic) better timed lights help save 10-12 minutes today.

At work, I learned some basics when it came to the potential option's class I'll be teaching. After a couple of hours, I went to print off some notes, collected tests to mark and had a couple conversations with my colleagues at the school (Saturday school is taking place right now) before heading back home.

Rested for a while before heading out for a BBQ. Came back home and marked! Despite the workload I have right now, I feel oddly relaxed about it... nor unmotivated to get it all done.

There's always tomorrow (or today since it's past 12) to do it!

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