Tuesday 12 June 2018

Chine Hot Pot

Another day, another dollar. My grade 9s wrote their unit test for their last unit: Space Exploration. Despite what I thought would be a straight forward unit, many students did poorly on the exam. Class average was about 10% lower than usual. The sad thing was that students who did poorly didn't care that they did poorly... I guess it's due to being it near the end of the year and everything being due.

After work, I went home to work on a study guide before heading out to meet some friends for dinner at Chine Hot Pot. It's similar to 1pot in which you have your own personal pot. What's different though, is that they offer a small list of bubble tea/flavored tea drinks! Personally, I find the meat a lot better at Chine compared to other places.

Other than that,  12 more days for me. 11 more days for the students. It's going to be a short week this week, meaning I should finally be able to enter all my marks by this weekend!

And plan for the upcoming summer!!

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