Thursday 7 June 2018

Snapped my headphone dongle

Today marks the day that I finished the curriculum for all of my classes! Just review and exams left... and a couple more assignments to mark.

Nothing interesting at work happened so time to move to the rest of my day. Thursday is typically leg day. I'm glad to say that I didn't fail and have the bar rolling off my neck this time. I admit that I was anxious pushing 225 lbs, but managed to finish seven sets of five reps. Going parallel instead of ass to the grass was a different sensation, so I had to do a couple lighter sets after to train my body to get used to parallel only. One reason why I could have failed last week was my heels has a tendency to lift when i go past parallel.

As I moved onto leg press near the end of my workout, I had my phone in my hoodie pocket. It wasn't my smartest decision because I ended up snapping my dongle that connects my headphones to my phone. Unfortunately, Apple took out the headphone jack since the iPhone 7, thus requiring a dongle. Fortunately, on the other hand, they are relatively inexpensive to replace, well expensive considering that it's such a small thing.

The connector snapped quite cleanly, which was interesting to see. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any damage to my phone.

15 more days of work!

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