Saturday 9 June 2018

Busy Friday Nights

The one good thing about the end of the year is review. This is the only time where I get to sit back and do work (instead of lecturing or supervising labs) while students work on review booklets. With a relatively clear day, and being a Friday, it was a nice drive back home.

Chest Day Friday went off without a major hitch. I'm stuck at 205 lbs for 3s (can't even do 4s like a month back). After working out, it was off for food.

We had plans to stop by for Korean Fried Chicken in Chinatown, but the place we ventured was extremely packed. Not wanting to give up so easily, we decided to go for a stroll around East Village before returning back to see if there was room. After about a half an hour, filled with mosquitoes, other insects and interesting people, we returned back to the restaurant to see it even busier. I'm guessing it was due to the warm weather; 9:45 PM never seemed so busy before. Speaking of interesting people, one gentleman we met was briefly explaining the history of some of the buildings within East Village, or before it was called East Village.

After walking around to find a restaurant, we finally settled for a Chinese restaurant that closes extremely late. Despite it being around 10:15, it was quite packed. For about $20 a person, I was relatively stuffed.

Just three more weeks of work to go!

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