Tuesday 5 June 2018

ELL Portfolios are Done!

With the end so near, I decided to get the portfolios for my students done today. It took longer than I expected, but at least they're done for this year. Being the last person in school is not as bad in the spring compared to winter. At least there's sun outside still!

Other than that, another typical day at work. Nothing to report.

In other news... I finally finished reading the light novel for Violet Evergarden. I spread the last chapter into two parts (read it Sunday and Monday night). Since it was nearly midnight, I rushed through the end, which I think could warrant another read to ensure I get enough detail. All in all, I am still unsure what made the story so attractive to me. The ending was somewhat cliche, like most of the series, but it was still captivating.

I'll try and write a more in depth piece on the novel, with some comparisons to the anime this weekend, or next. Whenever I have time...

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