Thursday 28 June 2018

Last Day with Students

The grade 9s were on the annual year end trip to Waterton Park. I opted to not spend the fifteen hours to go there and back. Instead, I ventured to Calaway Park with the grade 6 to 8s.

It was an overcast day, which meant that it was not unbearably hot at the park. Like the previous trip, I let my grade 8s wander around the park. I mostly walked around the park (got in about 11.5 k in terms of steps), while noticing that there weren't many schools at the park. I'm guessing it's due to most CBE schools ending yesterday in comparison to our school. There were a lot of families at the park, which was different that Junior Science Day in May.

Strangely, the last day with students didn't feel like any other year. Honestly, I never felt so relieved that the school year is over. I didn't stay long at work since I need to keep myself busy in the morning tomorrow at work.

I finally got a chance to head to the gym, yet I was unable to get much squatting in. My hip was giving me issues, so I had to rely on leg accessories to keep my legs busy.

Just one more day of work! 

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