Saturday 23 June 2018

Rainy Friday

I was tasked with watching the grade 8s today for work. We spent a good chunk of the morning finishing up Interstellar. Unlike previous years, the grade 8s this year were not fond of the ending due to how it deviates from "science".

As for the afternoon, I went over a final review for the Science PAT on Monday. Granted that the grade 9s had their Social Studies PAT in the morning, they were highly restless. We managed to get through a brief review in the span of two periods without anyone losing their sanity.

During the review, a thunderstorm rolled in which offered students a distraction from their studies. I left my jacket in my car, so I had to walk through the rain to grab it. I didn't want to walk all the way around to the buses, so I took a shortcut that involved jumping over a small fence. I didn't plan my jump too well, so I ended up stabbing my right knee into an exposed wire. Besides a bit of blood and pain, not too much damage was done. Hopefully my tetanus booster I took in 2012 is sufficient.

Chest Day Friday was pretty pathetic, due to not having strength for some odd reason. I wasn't able to push 205 for four reps. =/

We finally got to try out Yum Yum Chicken, and it turned out to be a great culinary adventure. Since I didn't drive today, I opted for a glass of Sapporo Beer. Beer and chicken never tasted so good before, but I guess it's because I never had this combination before.

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